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New features for Marketplace listings - On Market 2, everything connects


On Market 2, all listings benefit from local connections, plus coffee equipment items also connect with the new Product Catalogue.


Marketplace is back

We’ve re-introducing the ‘Marketplace’ section for listings.

Actually, it never went away. When we launched United Baristas Market, it was unnecessarily complex to write ‘Marketplace’ inside Market – so we trimmed our language.

You can still buy and sell anything coffee-related, directly with other baristas, on Marketplace.

And on Market 2, Marketplace listings automatically connect with both the new Product Catalogue and Company Profiles.

This creates new opportunities for baristas and coffee business. Let's quickly explore three new features.



Proximity matters when buying and selling heavy items. So Market 2 makes it easier to shop local and discover other local listings.

Plus, Market 2 also displays local engineers.

This is designed to help the coffee community better source and service equipment. For example, you can buy a used item, ship it straight to a local engineer for servicing, before putting it into service. 💪

There's many other benefits to sourcing equipment and services locally, and you'll find other local items and companies across Market 2.



You can now upload video, directly from your mobile 📲

Video is now available on all listings with a media pack. More details on this enhancement are available here.


Products: specifications, new & used

Marketplace listings now also connect with the Product Catalogue!

(we told you about the new Product Catalogue last week)

Buying a used Mythos One and want to learn more about it? Want to change the clump crusher? Need it serviced? Interested to buy a new one? Just open the product info link.

United Baristas Market Product Catalogue Victoria Arduino Mythos One

From the product page you can do amazing things, like:

  • View the product specs
  • View brochures, guides and parts diagrams
  • Learn how to set up, configure and maintain the product
  • Find companies who sell new
  • Search Marketplace for used
  • Find engineers to repair or service the product

Here's a 15 second tour of the Mythos One product page:

There's over 50 popular products already in the Product Catalogue, and we'll add more products in the coming time.

Of course, there's even more in Market 2

Market 2 introduces many other new features to Marketplace. But this update is long enough already – and you can easily get started buying and selling today.

We'll update Help Centre shortly; in the interim, please reach out to support if you have any questions.


 View Marketplace ➜ 


