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You can now sell items with video on United Baristas Market


You can now add original video to your Market listings directly from your phone.

Potential buyers often want to be able to see specific mods or understand the item's condition before they purchase.

You can now add as many as six videos to show how something works, highlight bespoke improvements or document wear and tear.

For example here's a video of a Peak Water Jug Tim was selling:


Upload directly from your phone, or embed Vimeo or YouTube videos

You can now shoot and upload original video from your phone to your United Baristas Market listings:

  • Go to your listing on your phone, click ⚙️, then select Add Media
  • Opt to shoot a video or upload video from your library

You can also upload video from your desktop computer. And you can still add YouTube or Vimeo videos by adding the Link Video tab.

Opt to list with a media pack to benefit from video

Video is available on select United Baristas Market plans that have a media pack.

The quantity of videos you can upload varies by category and the plan.

You can see all listing options. And we look forward to seeing what you sell next on United Baristas Market.




