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United Baristas Market 2 – Introducing the Product Catalogue

New Feature

The new coffee-equipment product catalogue is live on United Baristas Market 2. 


About Products

From each product, you can:

  • source new and used items
  • find sellers and engineers

And each product seamlessly connects with existing marketplace listings and the new Company Profiles.

The Product Catalogue is a key part of our plan to support coffee business viability and lower the industry's environmental impacts.


50 popular products

Market 2 launches with 50 of the most frequently listed products on marketplace – and we'll be adding more products.

If you want us to hurry up and add your brand's products, information is here.


Start using Market 2 today

The new product catalogue is easy to use and adds valuable functions to United Baristas Market.

We will update Help Centre articles soon, in the interim reach out to support if you have any questions.


Incorporating Equipment functions in United Baristas Market

Okay, this is a massive update. Based on the learning from United Baristas Equipment [Beta], we paused development in 2021 with intention of implementing those functions directly into United Baristas Market. Today, we are announcing that work is underway to: • incorporate the equipment directory directly into United Baristas Market • move all company profiles, including engineers, into United Baristas Market • implement associated servicing and retailer searches into United Baristas Market We will notify impacted businesses once we have prepared the necessary steps for the transition. It's a big project for us, so please be patience and bear with us while we make these changes. Updates on the progress below 👇

United Baristas
Done ✅

