All Announcements

Updates to United Baristas Services


We've made further improvements over recent weeks, plus numerous changes in preparation for forthcoming updates. Here's a summary of the latest changes you'll notice:



Companies, people and brands are now part of Directory. We're improving how each of these profiles connect with each other, as well as with Equipment, Jobs and Marketplace.

People Profiles

There have been significant updates to people's profiles on United Baristas. You can learn more about creating your profile and the new features, including:

  • add a profile picture and header image
  • add your experiences
  • optionally display your openness to a new coffee job


New notifications also allow you to receive search notification of updated profiles, plus get updates from specific people, company or brand profiles. Notifications also work with Equipment, Jobs and Marketplace.


United Baristas Services Notifications

Want to be notified when specific item is listed on Marketplace? Or maybe you want to be notified when a listing, company or product is updated? The new functions will enable you to can create specific, personal notifications so you can keep up-to-date with the latest from across United Baristas Services.

Done ✅



To support new notifications we have redesigned our emails for clarity and sending enhanced security. Here's a couple of things to note:

  • Job Alerts are now Notifications
  • If you have issues receiving new United Baristas Services emails, guidance is in Support Centre
  • Following changes to UB-ID, if you don't receive your UB-iD password reset email, please read this guidance 

UB-iD Improvements

Implement a new generation of UB-iD with improved ease-of-use and enhanced security.

Planned 🗒



As we update the site in preparation for major updates next year, we occasionally break things where unexpected incompatibility is an issue. Here's some bugs we hope you didn't encounter:

  • Fixed error preventing some users adding new plans to their Company Profile
  • Fixed an error where occasionally the page would freeze when editing a listing
  • Fixed links to popular products from Brand profiles
  • Fixed an error preventing downloads from Equipment Catalogue and Jobs for users that were not signed in

If you encounter an error, please check known issues, and if it's not listed then open a Support ticket.
