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Updates to Commercial listings on Marketplace


With more coffee businesses being sold on United Baristas, we've tweaked Commercial listings to make it easier to search and find businesses or premises for sale: Updates include:

  • added location search
  • added filters
  • tweaked listing information and layout

As the coffee industry continues to grow it's important owners and investors can start, build and sell businesses to ensure commercial viability and sustainability.

You can view current businesses for sale on Marketplace.


Future updates

Further updates to commercial listings function, features and design are scheduled for 2024. If you've got ideas for improvements, let us know 👇


Enhancements to Commercial Listings on United Baristas

We are thinking further about the future of Commercial listings (formerly property & business listings) on United Baristas Market https://market.unitedbaristas.com/list/market/commercial/ We've rolled out a number of updates, with more to come... see details below 👇 Have an idea for improvement? Drop a comment below or message us https://help.unitedbaristas.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

Thinking about this 🤔


