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📬 New Newsletters

New Feature

Today we announce four new Newsletters.


Each newsletter has a specific focus and has new and exclusive subscriber-only content:



We unpack one interesting idea impacting the coffee community in an actionable and accessible way each month.

Coffee's carbon footprint

Get ready to take action on climate change with practical guidance on the biggest issue facing humanity, how it impacts coffee and what coffee people can do to reduce their emissions.

Life, Work & Careers in coffee

We’re exploring the United Baristas community’s experience of life and working in coffee. Plus, we're answering your questions, such as how to build a coffee career and ask for a pay rise.

Managing people & building teams

Information and tips to help you become an even better manager. Drawing on research, experience and industry networks, it's specifically for coffee people who manage coffee people.


Subscribe today

Subscribe to new Newsletters at unitedbaristas.com/newsletters/ 


Transitioning to new Newsletters

We have started to transition existing subscribers to new Newsletters as best as we can, but we anticipate you’ll need to finesse your preferences once the new system is live.

It is no longer possible to subscribe to old newsletters. And further newsletters are to be announced. So, we'll provide specific updates to impacted subscribers in due course.

 Further updates on the transition.
