Updates across United Baristas

Recent updates and improvements. Plus, learn more about major updates on United Baristas News.

Introducing Support Centre – a new name for an old friend


Support Centre is the new name for Help Centre.


We are simplifying things across United Baristas and it makes more sense to us that you view support articles and get assistance from support in... Support Centre.


All current articles redirect to Support Centre. If you encounter a broken link it is because an article has been revised, superseded or deleted. You can both search and browse current articles.

Updates to Support Centre articles

As we continue to update United Baristas Services, Support Centre articles will become increasingly out-of date.


United Baristas Services – bringing everything together [Project Ensemble]

Work has started this autumn on Project Ensemble, our effort to bring together all our services into one place. It's going to be a massive, multi-stage project that will take much of 2024 as we integrate jobs, new and used equipment, companies and profiles as well as commercial sales. The first big step was incorporating Equipment into Market so that it would integrate with Marketplace and Company Profiles. Many of you are already finding this useful, so we are embarking on the next step. We are updating you now so can appreciate the bigger picture as we make the next updates. Together, they'll build the future of United Baristas. Specific updates to follow as changes are made. And if you have any suggestions drop us a line. Thanks for your ongoing support and all the best for the year ahead.

In progress 🧑‍💻


The current plan is to document changes here in Updates as we go, complete all updates to Services, and then comprehensively revise Support Centre articles.

Support Centre articles written before July 2024 are at greater risk being out-of-date.

If you can't figure something out in the interim, please reach out to Support.
